Quick Overview STAR ANISE
100% natural essential oil
Steam distillation of the fruits and seeds
Botanical name:
Illicum veris
Aromatic-sweet scent
Stimulates the cycle
relaxing effect
Promotes thought processes
Useful information:
The coveted star anise as a medicinal additive
and spice has been around for about 3,000 years
known for its impact in China. First many
Years later, in September 1588, the English
Sailor Sir Thomas Cavendish the star anise of
brought to Europe from the Philippines.
After initially only botanists for the tropical
Interested in spice, it later became both
as a flavor ingredient for dishes as well as for the
used tea.
Profile and effect of STAR ANISE:
The warm, sweet-aromatic fragrance
the star anise clears the airways and has antibacterial properties
Effect. Star anise stimulates the circulation ,
relaxes at the same time and supports thought processes.
Nice mixes:
A pleasant fragrance atmosphere
you get with bay, bergamot, blood orange,
Geranium, Ginger, Cardamom
vegan & tierversuchsfrei
Braunglas- & Violettglasflasche

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