Size 10ml
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Unit price €79,00 per  100 ml Each

Short overview BALM

100% natural essential oil

Steam distillation of the whole plant


Botanical name:
Cymbopogon winterianus


Relaxes and calms the nervous system
Dispels heavy thoughts and brings inner peace

Useful information:
Melissa was already
a valuable plant in the Middle Ages. In 1611
became lemon balm spirit of the Carmelite order in Paris
made known. 1775 presented the nun Maria
Clementine then the universal medicine "Klosterfrau-
Lemon balm spirit” together.

Profile and effects of MELISSE oil:
Lemon balm calms and relaxes the nervous system .
Its delicate, lemony, minty fragrance can
have a calming effect on inner restlessness . At the same time can
one uses it very much in the manufacture of cosmetics and soap
combine well with other fragrance notes.

Nice mixes:
A beautiful harmony results
Lemon balm with bergamot, eucalyptus, ginger, chamomile,
coriander, lavender, lemongrass, tangerine, muscatel
Sage, Myrtle, Clove, Neroli, Peppermint, Rose
or juniper.


vegan & tierversuchsfrei

Braunglas- & Violettglasflasche

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