Quick Overview MANDARINE
100% natural essential oil
Cold pressing of the shells
Botanical name:
Citrus reticulata
Possesses invigorating and stimulating energy
Feels cheerful and enterprising
Useful information:
It was called the "imperial fruit".
from China". Imperial because they are only the emperor and the
higher officials were allowed to consume. About a year
In 1805 the first mandarins came from China
to England and around 1820 they became all over Europe
planted. Today Mandarine will because of her
warm fragrance in soaps, cosmetics, perfumes and for
used room scenting.
Profile and effects of MANDARINE oil:
The soft, fruity tangerine conveys security,
calms the nerves , envelops us with hers
warm scent and takes us to a place
full of harmony . It helps in pregnancy
Discomfort and in the sauna it is suitable for prevention
against colds.
Nice mixes:
A particularly fruity variation
is obtained with bergamot, cedar, ginger, cardamom,
coriander, lavender, lime, lemon balm, mint,
Neroli, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme,
cinnamon or lemon.
vegan & tierversuchsfrei
Braunglas- & Violettglasflasche
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