Brief overview of LITSEA CUBEBA
100% natural essential oil
Steam distillation of the ripe fruit
Botanical name:
Litsea cubeba
Refreshing, stimulating fragrance
Stimulates concentration
stress relieving
Useful information:
Litsea Cubeba will also become May Chang
called and is for cosmetics as well as for cleaning products
one of the main suppliers. Also in
Soap products keep their scent and spray good
Profile and effects of LITSEA CUBEBA oil:
The scent of Litsea Cubeba relaxes the
body and stimulates the mind . Both to combat stress
as well as for the care of oily skin
to use it. As a sauna scent, Litsea makes Cubeba
tired people awake.
Nice mixes:
A fruity fragrance is included
cajeput, cedar, eucalyptus, cardamom, coriander,
Lavender, Niaouli, Orange, Sandalwood or Tea Tree
vegan & tierversuchsfrei
Braunglas- & Violettglasflasche
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