Size 10ml
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Unit price €85,00 per  100 ml Each

quick overview CITRONELLA

100% natural essential oil

Steam distillation of the grass


Botanical name:
Pelagornium graveolens


Stimulates the cycle
Relieves tension and cramps

Useful information:

Already in ancient times it was recognized that citronella grass was a
has an invigorating and beneficial effect. In the Middle Ages, a so-called ordinance stipulated that it be grown in every monastery garden.

It is said that the wood of the cedar was the first to be made from essential oil
distilled. Already in ancient times it was used by the Egyptians for embalming as well as for cosmetics and perfumes.

Profile and effect of CITRONELLA:
The fresh citrusy scent of citronella
stimulates the circulation . tension and cramps
dissolve. It is often used to ward off mosquitoes .

Nice mixes:
Citronella can be refined by adding amyris, cedarwood, geranium, lavender, palmarosa or sandalwood.


vegan & tierversuchsfrei

Braunglas- & Violettglasflasche

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